
april 4, 2014 i’m on a camping trip of some sort, not exactly sure where i am. it seems there are indoor facilities as well as my tent outside. i’m with someone, i think M. we’re set up very close to another site, almost sharing the space. i’m gathering folding chairs, thinking about throwing some […]

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alaskan adventure

january 16, 2013 i’m on an alaskan adventure with M. we are traversing what looks like a tundra with low vegetation. it’s cold but it’s amazingly beautiful. M asks me if i’m going to take pictures but i don’t feel like it. i want to take in the sights and experience them. now i’m following […]

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january 15, 2013 i’m competing in a triathlon. it seems to be an indoor/outdoor event. i complete the swim portion and i’m running to the transition area. the transition area is nowhere to be found. i run around and look for it, in and out of covered porches and trenches, but i can’t find it. […]

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only a dream

december 12, 2012 i’m home sick with the flu. i’m cleaning the house, moving some things around. i’m surprised by the fact that we have matching tiki bars. i guess M picked up another one but it’s warped and damaged. oh well. i’m moving the other bar around trying to figure out a good way […]

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she likes him

date forgotten i’m in a medical center about to undergo a revolutionary full-body scan. i ingest some sort of liquid that will course through my veins. i get to stand up for this scan and i’m told that it will be able to see everything in my body, down to the molecule. i’m hoping to […]

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resisting flying; renovating in ireland

october 25, 2012 i’m in a mall, or perhaps a children’s hospital. it’s vast, with many levels and hallways. i’m trying hard not to fly. i’m not sure why i’m suppressing it. i’m finding it very difficult to walk and i imagine everyone thinks i have an injury or a disability. finally i decide i […]

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poverty; depends; invest in the future

september 20, 2012 i’m in a poverty-stricken part of the world. i think it’s mexico. i’m not sure how i got here or why. but i’m trying to communicate with the children. they speak spanish only and my grasp of the language is still sketchy. but someone speaks english and i feel a sense of […]

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frat house falls; e&j brandy

july 27, 2012 i’m standing near a fence below a huge frat house. i guess i’m back in college, but i know i’m much older than the other students. i look up and see that the frat house is actually a massive treehouse. there’s a party going on at the very top. it looks like […]

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she’s pregnant; fighting the taliban; catching a flight

july 17, 2012 the dreams: i’m walking with S. it’s strange that we’re together because we really have never talked. we know each other from a distance. but here she is, smiling, and telling me that she’s pregnant. i’m a little surprised, not only because we never talk and she’s telling me this, but also […]

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family trip

july 17, 2012 the dream: it’s a family trip to south america. everyone is going and i’m responsible for the arrangements. i found a decent hotel but it was a discount find. the bus is taking forever to get there and we’re already late. we’re winding up long mountain roads and the dust is everywhere. […]

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prisoner revolt; luscious eats spiders

july 12, 2012 the dreams: i’m in some large compound but i don’t know why. it seems huge and expansive and small and confined at the same time. there are concrete and dirt mounds all around. the people trapped there with me seem to know that something happens at a certain time each day, and […]

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veiny RL; naughty pickles

july 9, 2012 the dream: RL is sitting on a workout bench. he’s ripped to the extreme. so much so that his veins have entirely moved beyond the confines of his skin and they are external. one of them looks like it’s a secret service earpiece coil. but then i see that it actually is […]

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road trip; colorado hotel; tomato tree

july 11, 2012 the dream(s): we’re driving in a car, not ours, up a narrow mountain pass. the road is frightening. she’s let me know that she’s not happy i decided to go this way. there’s nothing i can do, we’re already moving. the hotel we stop at is fancy. we have to find our […]

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word cup soccer field; paycheck keep-away; grandpa

june 3, 2012 the dreams:  hanging out with adam & jenny. their house has a detached garage, in a row with other garages. the garages line up against a huge open space. turns out they own the world cup soccer field that is there. their house is in a town called ‘inflection micro,’ somewhere in […]

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older woman

may 20, 2012 the dream, part one: 101 something in the city. Blue paint with gold lettering on glass. I think the garage door is some semi-dark wood. Helped a lady bring her grocery bags so she rewards me with a tour of her place. It’s huge. Like a hidden oasis it has space after […]

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old lady; monica’s wedding

may 11, 2012 the dreams: i think i’m in a mall. i’m walking past an old lady who is struggling to walk. from a distance she’s wearing grey sweats. i can see that she is either sweating or she’s peed herself. as i get closer her appearance changes. she looks like her legs aren’t supporting […]

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le douche corners a man

april 20, 2012 the dream: i’m in the studio center. i’ve got le douche (big A) with me. he’s off his leash. he sees a lone, elderly man coming out of his studio. he starts barking and chased the man back into the studio. somehow big A get in there with him. i run inside […]

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rehab; living room show; uncomfortable vet

april 13, 2012 the dreams: GW is in rehab. not sure why. he’s been missing from work and it seems to be the only explanation. i’m at SM’s house. he’s moved the tv from its usual spot down to a corner. the old tv location is now the impromptu living room stage. he and JG […]

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giant sitar

april 11, 2012 the dream: i have a giant sitar. not sure why. not sure where it came from. i’m supposed to be playing with someone. we begin tuning our instruments and much to my surprise i’m able to tune mine really well. the tuning needs to be set differently than normal (whatever that is). […]

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gubernator; riverboat cruise; pink zebra; mini-gun;

march 23, 2012 the dreams: i’m sitting on a couch next to arnold schwarzenegger. i can sense his discomfort. i think he’s uncomfortable because he’s been caught doing some bad things. we’re both reclined back with our feet up on an ottoman. i notice that my cat is crawling up his pant leg. i ask […]

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i miss it

march 21, 2012 the dream: i am telling someone or multiple people that i miss drinking. i really do miss it. my thoughts: that’s all i remember from the dream. i think it stems from the excellent suggestion that i need to confront my feelings and accept them for what they are. i need to […]

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backflip dive; charity drive

march 19, 2012 the dream: i’m helping my friend ‘m’ with a charity drive. we’re gathering toys and games. not sure what the charity is but i can tell it’s important to her. we’re on some sort of floating platform in the ocean. something like an oil-drilling rig. i’m doing something like stunts on a […]

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a book for my nephew

march 16, 2012 the dream: i’m shopping in a kids toy store. i pick up an elaborate book. it’s thick, with some type of plastic for covers. almost like rubber. when i open it i see that the pages are filled with plush toys. like zoo animals and dinosaurs. the color scheme is pleasant and […]

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dates vary i have a recurring theme in my dreams. it tends to be a variation on flying. in many cases i’m in a large building like a mall or an airport. i seem to be moving from one end of the structure to the other end and it always seems like i’m moving downward, […]

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circa 1979 the dream: i’m being chased by sweetums, the large, fuzzy, fang-toothed muppet. he chases me along a long balcony. when we get to the end i ‘magically’ have a squeak toy rubber spoon in my hands. i chase sweetums, wielding the spoon to let him know i’m not afraid of him. my thoughts: […]

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a celebration?

february 24, 2012 the dream: i think it’s a celebration meeting. not sure. my girfriend’s sober sister is there. i think. my thoughts: not really sure what i dreamed. probably had to do with the fact that the previous night held a celebration meeting. lots of good people were there. i went out to dinner […]

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strip club

february 23, 2012 the dream: i park my car in a vast lot surrounded by trees. it might be a school parking lot or it might be the lot at global soft digital in mawah. i’m milling around and i see a blue volvo station wagon pull in. i know this car. sure enough kelbasa […]

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beer in a JD bottle

february 22, 2012 the dream: i’m sitting with a couple people. not sure who they are but one is probably mike b. i think we’re in the living room of my childhood house on bird street, el paso, texas. there’s a party going on, maybe. i’m sitting and sipping on beer. it’s in a jack […]

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drinking dreams

the first dream, december 17, 2011 (approximate): i’m sitting there holding a beer, knowing that i had drunk some of it. but i had no idea how i got the beer. and i had no recollection of drinking any of it. the anxiety and dismay of having had any of it was exceptionally powerful. it […]

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umberto eco; velodrome; dirt road

february 21, 2012 the dreams: somehow i know i’m supposed to be doing some research while i’m in venice(?). i know that umberto eco has done extensive research for his books even though i’ve never read any. i don’t know what it is i’m supposed to be studying but for the first time in a […]

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